Actually, at the time I am writing this is has been eleven days since I sert up the Ender 3 3D Printer. In that time I have learned a lot and printed some really cool things. In particular, I have learned a lot with creating my own designs from absolute scratch. I decided to add some bling to my Anderson Manufacturing AM-9.

This was not my first version of a branded MLOK rail cover. If you compare my version 1.0 to my version 2.0 you can easily see the improvements I made in using the 3D modeling software. Maybe it is just my opinion but the newest verison looks a thousand times better.

While I was pimping out the ole AM-9 I figured might as well print a handstop too. I just used a file that was downloaded and ready to go. I had already printed a couple of these handstops and found I really like them. No suprise, it looks good on this rifle too.

Overall I am really happy with these addition to the AM-9 and more importantly am happy with the improvements I have made with 3D printing overall. Is there anything else you think I should try to print for this one? If so, reach out through the website, social media, etc and let me know.

What’s Next?
Who knows what is to come with the 3D printing journey. With printing the rail cover I did realize that I need to pick up another Sharpie Paint Marker. I did the letters with a Silver Sharpie Marker and it was just not the same. Those paint maerks are so much better and a go to for me with paiting front sights and other things. The one I had here was dried out and I was in a hurry.
A 3D Printing Bonus!
Before I stop this blog post I wanted to share one more thing. I recently printed some cool looking skeletonized 1911 grips. These installed pretty easily onto my Colt 1911 22LR Rail Gun from Walther.

Stay safe and we will see you on the next one!